For Christmas / VIP 2
Slovenian Philharmonic Choir and Orchestra
Philipp von Steinaecker, conductor
Polona Gregorc, soprano
Federica Lo Pinto, alto
Robert Kožar, tenor
Martin Kozjek, baritone
Bach’s creativity almost exceeds the limits of the possible. After taking up the position of cantor of St Thomas Church in Leipzig, he created or reworked one cantata for every Sunday service. There are more than two hundred cantatas in total, which today represent the fundamental vocal-instrumental works.
The three cantatas on the present programme derive from the first three years of Bach’s service in Leipzig. They were intended for and performed on the first day of the Octave of Christmas, which is celebrated in the liturgical calendar right up to the New Year. The cantata Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ from 1724 is the first of the Christmas cantatas from the Leipzig period, Unser Mund sei voll Lachens was created one year later, while the last of the three, Christen, ätzet diesen Tag, apparently dates back to 1713, but was reworked by Bach after his arrival in Leipzig in 1723 and performed in the same year.