For Reflection / MVP 5
Slovenian Philharmonic Choir
Mixed Youth Choir of the First High School in Celje
Stephen Layton, conductor
Harrison Cole, organ
Ana Potočnik, mezzosoprano
Peter Grdadolnik, baritone
Ivan Šoštarič, cello
Poulenc’s vocal music was strongly marked by his conversion to the Catholic faith in 1936. After setting the Misse brevis to music in 1937, he returned to writing sacred music on Latin texts. Using modern harmonic means, he transformed the gloomy text of the Holy Week responsories, which speaks of fear, disappointment and loss, into an expressive image of man’s confrontation with suffering and transience.
Duruflé began composing the Requiem during the Second World War and completed it in September 1947. He used the Latin text of the Requiem Mass, omitting some parts and structuring it into nine movements, following the example of Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem. During the period of the commission, Duruflé composed an organ suite using themes from Gregorian chants. He included his sketches for this composition in the Requiem, which uses several themes from the Gregorian mass for the dead. Consequently, the work is calm and meditative in its musical expression.
There will be a post-concert gathering of the audience with the performers accompanied by a selection of top-quality Slovenian wines