Melancholy and Agony / NOW 1
Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra
Simon Krečič, conductor
Nejc Kamplet, piano
Slovenian Philharmonic Choir
Ave Chamber Choir
Urška Bernik, narrator
Jerica Bukovec, Slovenian Philharmonic Choir preparation
Gregor Klančič, Ave Chamber Choir preparation
They say that time and Chopin are the only known remedies for healing the wounds of first love. Probably the memory of the songful melodies of one of the most beautiful piano concertos ever written was also carried by one of the internees of the Ravensbrück concentration camp for women and children, where more than forty thousand of Chopin’s compatriots suffered during the Second World War. Four of the Slovenian internees at the camp expressed their suffering in the harrowing songs used by Slovenia’s popular composer Alojz Ajdič as the thematic material for the creation of the cantata Taborišče Ravensbrück (The Ravensbrück Concentration Camp).
The concert is dedicated to the victims of the war in Ukraine.
Accompanying events:
Slovenian Philharmonic, Saturday, 24 September 2022, at 11.00 am
SIM 1 – Saturday Insights into Music with a presentation and explanation of Taborišče Ravensbrück by Alojz Ajdič
Cankarjev dom, Lili Novy Glass Hall, 28 september 2022, post-concert gathering with the performers, accompanied by a selection of superb Slovenian wines.
Ministry of Health warning: Drinking alcohol can be harmful to health!