Forlornly / PC 1
Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra
Slovenian Philharmonic Choir
Philipp von Steinaecker, conductor
Blaž Ogrič, horn
Do you like Brahms?
For a few seasons now at our concerts, we have missed the popular music of Johannes Brahms, who was an honorary member of Ljubljana’s Philharmonic Society. The significance of his music is so great that it would be difficult to fully grasp at individual performances, which is why the entire 2024/25 concert season will be dedicated to all four of Brahms’ symphonies and his two piano concertos.
Autumn. A time to enjoy hunting and harvesting, but also a time when nature turns towards its winter repose. Mozart’s music will be performed by the excellent Slovenian horn player Blaž Ogrič as a symbol of autumn joy and happiness. Brahms calls this into question with the lament Nänie and the Third Symphony, in which he devotes a melancholy melody to the horn, which speaks of loneliness, emptiness and sadness.
“Even to be a song of sorrow on beloved lips is glorious.” (from Schiller’s poem Even Beauty Must Die)