For the Temperamental
Slovenian Philharmonic Choir
Gregor Klančič, conductor
Javier Rodríguez, tenor, charango, guitar
Fernando Mejías, guitar
Gioele Andreolli, piano, harpsichord
Mateja Langus, accordion
Tomaž Štular, contrabass
Franci Krevh, Matevž Bajde, percussion
The Slovenian Philharmonic Choir will host the renowned Argentinian musician from Mendoza, Javier Rodríguez. The guitarist, singer and composer, who celebrated 30 years of his musical career in 2021, devotes himself to Argentine folk and popular music, as well as a mixture of both. In 1995, Ariel Ramírez invited him to appear as a solo singer in the performance of his celebrated Misa Criolla, and the two artists travelled much of the world together for ten years.Argentinian composer, pianist and music director Ariel Ramírez is regarded as the leading representative of Argentine folk music, and is known primarily for his iconic musical works. Misa Criolla (1964) is one of the first non-Latin masses. It was created shortly after the Second Vatican Council allowed the use of the vernacular in Catholic churches and has been performed on numerous concert stages throughout Europe and Latin America. During his career, Ariel Ramírez wrote more than 300 compositions and sold more than 10 million albums.
Ticket price:
Category I €15/13*
Category II €13/11*
Category III €7/5*
* Pensioners, young people up to 28 years, Slovenian Philharmonic subscribers
Each subscriber to the MVP subscription series is eligible for a free ticket for the concert on 20 October 2023.