For Heroes / PC 1
Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra
Franck Ollu, conductor
Jeroen Berwaerts, trumpet
One of the greatest trumpet virtuosos today, Jeroen Berwaerts, was invited by the Slovenian Philharmonic to perform a popular classical trumpet concerto, but he proposed something special:
“Let’s take a stroll into the past! Let’s start in America with the adorably filmic John Adams, meet Charles Ives on the way to old times, and arrive at the famous classical Trumpet Concerto by Johann Nepomuk Hummel. I would be honoured if your excellent composers Nina Šenk and Vito Žuraj would write two short connecting pieces as a transition from Adams’s Tromba lontana to Ives’s The Unanswered Question, and from there to Hummel’s Concerto. May it be a pleasant journey for everyone present in the concert hall!”
May it be.