Emotionally / VIP 2
Slovenian Philharmonic Choir and Percussion Ensemble
Kahki Solomnishvili, conductor
Urban Stanič, piano
Tim Jančar, piano
Nejc Kamplet, piano
Adam Kamplet, piano
Ernestina Jošt, soprano
Ana Potočnik, alto
Gregor Ravnik, tenor
Miha Bole, bass
Although they were contemporaries, Igor Stravinsky and Carl Orff were completely singular personalities in terms of their musical language: whereas the former is characterised by a search for musical expression in a new tonal logic, the latter expressed himself with a revived modality. The two works selected for the present programme nonetheless reveal numerous parallels between the two artists. For his series of great ballets, Stravinsky drew inspiration from the folk traditions of Eastern Europe, while Orff used ancient and medieval texts for the Trionfi trilogy of cantatas, which, in addition to Catulli Carmina, also includes Carmina Burana and Trionfo di Afrodite. As well as addressing the central theme of love, the two compositions are clearly connected by their unique instrumentation of choir, soloists, four pianos and percussion.